Notions of molecular genetics and cytogenetics
Conţinutul ştiinţific al acestei lucrări asigură tânărului specialist noţiunile de bază pentru a înţelege importanţa geneticii, modul de transmitere a unor caractere dorite, uneori nedorite la animale, dar şi aplicabilitatea tehnicilor de inginerie genetică în biotehnologiile din domeniul creşterii animalelor. În domeniul medical veterinar, asemenea mediului medical uman, cunoaşterea geneticii şi modalităţilor de intervenţie la nivel de informaţie genetică este cu atât mai importantă, cu cât există mari speranţe în găsirea unor tratamente salvatoare utilizabile pentru diferite patologii. De aceea consider oportună editarea acestei lucrări, unde informaţia ştiinţifică consultată este de actualitate şi foarte utilă pentru studenţii din domeniul medical veterinar.
- Introduction to genetics
- Evolution in time of concepts of genetics and heredity
- The relationship between heredity and the environment
- Cytogenetic elements
- Nuclear structures with genetic role
- Cytoplasmatic structures with genetic role
- The molecular level of genetic material organization
- Chemical components of nucleic acids
- Purine bases: adenine (A) and Guanine (G)
- Pyrimidine bases: Thimine (T) and Cytosine (C) / Uracil (U)
- Glucids in the nucleic acid structure
- Structure of the nucleoside and the nucleotides
- Primary structure of nucleic acids
- The secondary structure of nucleic acids
- The secondary structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
- The secondary structure of ribonucleic acid (RNA)
- DNA packaging into chromatin
- Types of chromatin
- Other DNA features
- Properties of DNA
- Replication
- Transcription
- Translation (protein synthesis)
- Denaturation
- Renaturation
- Storage function
- Quantitative variability of DNA
- The cellular level of genetic material organisation – chromosomes
- Ultrastructure of the chromosome
- Structural components of the chromosome
- Types of chromosomes
- Recognition and chromosomal communication
- Cell cycle
- Mitosis
- Meiosis
- Checkpoints of the cell cycle
- Chromosomal rearrangement in eukaryotes
- Unbalanced chromosomal rearrangement
- Balanced chromosomal rearrangement
- Numerical variation of chromosomes
- Aneuploidy
- Haploidy
- Poliploidy
- The gene in eukaryotes
- The structure of the eukaryotic gene
- Regulation of eukaryotic genes
- Transcriptional regulation
- Post-transcriptional regulation
- Translational regulation
- Characteristics of the genes
- Discontinuity of genes
- The sense and antisense strands of the gene
- Pleiotropy
- Penetrance and expressivity
- Multiple alleles (polyallelia)
- Lethal genes
- Gene interaction
- Allelic interaction (gene dominance)
- Non-allelic interaction (epistasis interaction)
- Gene mutations
- Definition and characteristics of mutations
- Classification of mutations
- Molecular mechanisms of gene mutation
- Physical mutagens
- Chemical mutagens
- Biological mutagens
- Kinetics of mutation induction
- Genetic engineering
- Role and implications
- Recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology
- The stages of rDNA technology
- Achievements of rDNA technology
- Perspectives of rDNA technology
- Cellular hybridization (Cell fusion)